Don't want it, live it! | foto

Don't want it, live it!

Do you dream of a firmer body, graceful body curves, reduced weight, better conditioning, good health, a healthy body, or a happier life? I won't be saying anything revolutionary when I write that to get everything mentioned is actually very simple.  We're just taught to complicate things. And we do it masterfully! From a very young age we have adopted habitual patterns of behaviour, action and thinking. We want to follow the best practices or the advice of others. We try different things, experiment, and most importantly - we look for "shortcuts". But these are all short-term, temporary solutions. Many people can learn "shortcut" lessons and find the inspiration they need to make permanent life changes. After all, who among us wouldn't want to feel great and fit all the time? What do we really need to do that? How to do it?

Simply. Get back to yourself. Everything begins and ends with us. Let's find even a tiny moment to be alone with ourselves. Find out how we feel, if what we do and how we live fulfills us. No worries, no need for long sessions because we know what we want or don't want instantly. And we even know the solutions how to change it, we just somehow don't want to "listen" to it. Often fears, anxieties, insecurities, or other "obstacles" stand in our way. So how to overcome it? By making a decision. Simply decide, now. Not tomorrow, or starting Monday, or after the holidays, or starting in the new year. Make a decision and don't turn back. There is great power in your decision, it will completely change your perspective and you will begin to see things differently. Suddenly, "solutions" start to appear as if by themselves. Don't be discouraged by your surroundings. Focus only on yourself.

If you've ever asked me for weight loss tips, I've certainly told you about number of aspects to consider. Because a nice, firm body is part of our whole being. Let's be aware that on our journey to a more beautiful body shape, we need to look at the following areas: exercise, diet, mental well-being (relationships). Many books have been written on this topic. I will therefore be very brief. My knowledge and experience in the field of fitness, and therefore experience with many beautiful body transformations, and also my life knowledge, define 3 important aspects - this is why I recommend these three steps:

1) Find an exercise, a physical activity that you will enjoy and find fulfilling on a regular basis. If you haven't started exercising yet, choose what interests you, what appeals to you, and start building your regular exercise routine.

2) Take a look at your food. Write down your weekly meals and after a week you can quickly check for yourself what is dominating in your food and what is less or not included at all. The food should be varied and balanced. If changes are needed, implement them in steps. In any case, do not give up your favourite foods completely. It is important to feel good about the changes and not to force them.

3) Psychological well-being and relationships. We strive for psychological well-being all the time. Identify long-term, ongoing stress & tension and take steps to eliminate them.

All three of these areas are related and important. They are connected to our immunity, to our health. Be patient on your journey. The results on your body shape are absolutely guaranteed to come sooner or later. And not only on your body shape. Keep in mind that each of us is an original, don't compare yourself, don't beat yourself up. Don't set yourself up for "weight loss", set yourself up for success! Don't dream about changes, live them!